The Egerton Gospel and Jesus’ Clash with the Rulers (I.1-24)

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The Egerton Gospel and the Synoptic Problem**

The Egerton Gospel fragment is perhaps one of the more interesting textual fragments to pop up over the years because it opens the door to new possibilities in showing that there are perhaps countless unknown Gospel texts that we have simply lost access to throughout history. This fragment was perhaps composed in the early 2ndContinue reading “The Egerton Gospel and the Synoptic Problem**”

The Gospel of John and the Talmudic Jesus

If you support my work, consider supporting me on Patreon, you’ll get exclusive content, including early access to my upcoming book, “Jesus the Nazarene: The Jewish Heretic Behind Christianity” as well as future books! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook! After re-reading the Gospel of John recently, I couldn’t help but notice that there are several clear references to someContinue reading “The Gospel of John and the Talmudic Jesus”